Novellas in November 2023 Link-Up

Novellas in November had another great year, with 52 bloggers contributing a total of 175 posts! You can peruse them all at the links below.

Week One

Weeks Two and Three

Weeks Four and Five

Week Five final mop-up

64 responses

  1. Thanks, as ever, to both you and Cathy for organising this, Rebecca. I’ve several reviews at the ready this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hooray, I’m delighted to hear that. You’re a step ahead of me!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Will do, as soon as I get all my ducks, er, books in a row! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] that Novellas in November, an annual reading event (hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck), is just around the corner, I thought it might be helpful to create a handpicked list of […]


  4. So exciting, I have a Pile, so I’ll put the link to that in the Linky …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oops, doesn’t work for me but that could be my weird WordPress making me sign in all the time / not being able to comment on some people’s posts thing? I’ll make sure I link to this post in my reviews anyway.


    2. I added in your looking-forward post from the 14th as part of my initial batch.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 11 links and we’ve not even started yet! Great to see 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! I have a feeling it’ll be a bumper year 🙂 I’ll do my best to keep on top of the links. Feel free to tag me if you ever think I’ve missed something.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll be on hand too!


  6. […] post will be pinned to the top of Rebecca’s blog from now until 3 […]


  7. […] 4th Annual Novellas in November is hosted by Rebecca and Cathy so click over to them for all the info, details, linkup, […]


  8. J-LovesBooks,ReadsBooks | Reply

    Thanks to you and Cathy for another year of Novellas in November. I’ve done the link! Just one certain read (I’ve a couple of blog tours in November) but hopefully will get some more novellas in 😁 – Janet-LBRBSBLOGS

    Liked by 1 person

  9. […] celebrating the art of the short book with you once again. Remember to let us know about your posts here, via the Inlinkz service or through a comment. How impressive is it that before November even […]


  10. […] Cathy and Rebecca invite us to read Novellas in November and leave links here. There are prompts that I won’t be able to join, I’ll stick to reading novels that have less […]


  11. […] great challenge is Novellas in November (#NovNov), hosted by Cathy and Rebecca . I have several books in mind, one of which also fulfills the criteria for German Lit Month: Hilde […]


  12. […] forget to let us know about your posts here, via the Inlinkz service or through a comment. We are only on day one and there are already over 20 […]


  13. […] This month we begin with Western Lane by Chetna Maroo, a novella that is part of the read-along for Novella November 2023. […]


  14. […] #NovNov23 Click on the logo to see the detailed schedule Hosted by Cathy at 746 books Rebecca at Bookish Beck All the posts can be linked here […]


  15. […] novellas on the bottom shelf are nonfiction. Novellas in November (#NovNov) is hosted by Rebecca at BookishBeck and Cathy at 746Books. If you join in, you can post links to the BookishBeck post linked […]


  16. We can’t seem to leave any more links. Full, it says.


    1. I didn’t know about the maximum of 50 links on a standard account. So I’ve started a new link-up party for Week 2. If you try clicking above now, it should take you to that. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. […] as I’m helping to host) and Novellas in November, hosted by Bookish Beck (links collected here) and Cathy 746 Books. I’ve had this book a long while: my lovely friend Gill gave me a […]


  18. […] read this for Novellas in November (#NovNov23) hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck. This annual celebration of novella reading runs all month. Click the links above to find out […]


  19. […] next two choices for Novella November – Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh and Love Novel by Ivana Sajko – both […]


  20. […] Check out #NovNov posts from other bloggers here. […]


  21. […] by Cathy and Rebecca with weekly themes and a link collector, the first week of this event invites participants to “tell us about any novellas you have read […]


  22. […] as I’m helping to host) and Novellas in November, hosted by Bookish Beck (links collected here) and Cathy 746 Books. I acquired this book in December 2021 in one of the very kind packages of […]


  23. […] is German Lit Month and Novellas in November #NovNov. I managed to combine the two events with Fred Uhlman, a German who wrote Reunion in […]


  24. […] read this for Novellas in November (#NovNov23) hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck. This annual celebration of novella reading runs all month. Click the links above to find out […]


  25. […] read for the Novellas in November challenge, hosted by Bookish Beck (links collected here) and Cathy 746 Books. I picked this one up at the August BookCrossing meetup so it was a prime […]


  26. […] read this piece for both Novellas in November and German Literature Month XIII. As usual, when I come to a well known work I had never read, and […]


  27. […] @bookishbeck this is all about the short form for stories. You can find the link for posting on Bookish Beck and/or you can post your thoughts on social media and if you tag Cathy she will share. Cathy can be […]


  28. […] Novellas in November, an annual reading event (hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck. Here’s 12 Novellas in Translation for Your “To Be Read” […]


  29. […] also read this for Novellas in November (#NovNov23) hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck. This annual celebration of novella reading runs all month. Click the links above to find out […]


  30. Here’s another from me, this time combining #GermanLitMonth with #NovNov:

    Liked by 1 person

  31. […] round-up of the other novellas I read in November for #NovNov! I’ve already reviewed Eva Baltasar’s Boulder. Pleasingly, these picks span a couple […]


  32. […] I am including this post in Novellas in November I’m not sure I can really call it a novella. Is it a novella made up of nine chapters or is […]


  33. […] week’s prompt for Novellas in November is The Short and the Long of It. Our kind hosts, Cathy and Rebecca ask us to pair a novella with a nonfiction book or novel that […]


  34. […] published stories (I like to read an author in chronological order when I can) and lucky for me and #NovNov23, the first is a […]


  35. […] Due to following the Book Production War Economy Standard, this stands at less than 200 pages and thus becomes my first submission for Novellas in November: […]


  36. […] and on others. At work it is still one of our bestsellers and many of you are still raving about it for the second Novellas in November running, keeping it fresh in our collective […]


  37. […] This book will be my last review for #GermanLitMonth, hosted by Lizzy Siddal, and also Novella in November, hosted by Cathy and Rebecca. […]


  38. […] another book read for my Novellas in November challenge, hosted by Bookish Beck (links collected here) and Cathy 746 Books. This was the oldest novella on my TBR and I’m pretty sure I had it on […]


  39. […] read this for Novellas in November (#NovNov23) hosted by Cathy of 746 Books and Rebecca of Bookish Beck. This annual celebration of novella reading runs all month. Click the links above to find out […]


  40. […] November 27, Week 5: New to My TBRIn the last few days, talk about the novellas you’ve added to your TBR since the month began. Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book! […]


  41. […] one last book in for the Novellas in November challenge, hosted by Bookish Beck (links collected here) and Cathy 746 Books, and for Nonfiction November, hosted through November by five of us, this was […]


  42. […] year I show restraint and then November happens – Nonfiction November, Novella November, and German Literature Month – it means my TBR stack […]


  43. […] This is the fourth year that Rebecca and I have formally hosted Novellas in November and your response has been amazing! At last count, 51 bloggers have taken part, publishing a total of 169 posts. You can check out all the links on Rebecca’s pinned post here […]


  44. […] love Novellas in November and have been so grateful that Rebecca and Cathy have taken it on the last few years, making it better than ever. When I wrote my thoughts […]


  45. […] 52 bloggers take part this year, contributing a total of 175 posts. You can look back at them all here. See also Cathy’s wrap-up […]


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